Art Production Courses


An introduction to art production, includes mask-making, acrylic on canvas, fashion design and altar design. From defining your personal style, to drawing a design style from your natal chart, this course is for artists who are just starting their exploration of design style and production.

*Hourly Rate


For intermediate art designers who wish to deepen their knowledge of creating a painting without drawing and composition using apps, including working with collages and molding, plaster strips, fivers, and more advanced design techniques.

*2 Week-long Session

(Base Fee)


For the advanced art producer who wished to learn next-level techniques in synthesis and Shamanist’ signature concepts and custom Natal Chart design packs to bring their art productions to the most refined and detailed works.

*Month-long Session

(Base Fee)

Inquiry For Pricing, Bookings, etc:

5 + 5 =

910 D St., San Rafael, CA

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